From the anni party: that's Ron Brown at far left (sitting in lawn chair), who drove from Merrickville to attend. At the picnic table, two friends from Ottawa -- Lloyd Plunkett and Peter Demski, both of whom I met through the incredible Gays of Ottawa organization. On the right side are myself in Tie-Dye T-shirt sitting next to Andre Fairfield (partner to Robert Greene, sitting with legs up, next to Sid). Andre died tragically the same week Sid did -- Andre first, on the Monday (June 22). Then Sid, unaware of Andre's passing, died that Friday, June 26. Robert was left without a home, as it had burned completely down -- in addition to his losing Andre (no, not in the fire, but at the same time it occurred). When I think of grieving, and loss, I cannot help but remember Robert's experiences and have to mention them out of respect.