Sid making a 'stunned' face he liked to ruin photos with. Here we are on our deck, during our fantastic July 22 Fifth Anniversary party, in 1989. That's my childhood friend, Bobby Dewar at the right, who died just 4 years later from HIV / AIDS. At the picnic table are Peter Demski (his back to the camera) and assorted friends from Ottawa (Lloyd Plunkett, Jim Mickeal, to name just two). Sid's friend from Merrickville, Ron Brown, also came; as did co-worker friends Hilda Morrison, her husband Eddie, and her daughter Anne (whose foot is visible at the lower left corner!). I don't recall every person there, but amongst the attendees were: Gillian Gall, Michael Crowe, Liana Wadsworth, Paul Francoeur (died in 2014), Marty Hamer, Randy Cameron, Donna Marie Tippett Edmondson (who gave us a lovely stained glass gift which I never got back after Sid passed away -- the only thing I wanted); as well as more of Sid's friends including: Anne Gordon Jamieson, her son Christopher (who died later at just age 19); Janet Goldie; a few Paton brothers and their significant others (Meredith Gallupe, for instance, with Dale Paton, and David Paton his brother, plus their brother Drew Paton and his wife Maggie Rolfe); and some co-workers of mine (Laurie Burton, Sue Moore, Carole Champagne and her two children Sylvie and Christian). There were also my friends Bob Spurrill, Bob Smith, Angela Casagrande with her partner Karen McCallum, and a few other gay pals of mine. A few others not recalled at the moment... but the crowd overall was varied, mixed, and enthusiastic to be celebrating on the huge deck with us and in our lake. It was a beautiful time, never to be repeated.